Bella's Poetry Page

Figurative Language:

Simile: A simile is a comparison of two unlike things using “like”, “as”, or “than”.

Roller coasters go as fast as a spaceship soaring to the moon.

Amanda’s eyes sparkled more than the moon during the darkest day of the year.

The girl's hair shines like the sun on a warm June day.

Metaphor: A metaphor is a comparison of two unlike things or idea WITHOUT using “like”, “as”, or “than”.

The lake was a mirror when it glistened in the moonlight.

Lina’s skinny legs were sticks as they ran across the field.

A worms head is a grain of sand to the building beside it.

Hyperbole: A hyperbole is an obvious over exaggeration comparing two things.

Sarah scored in the goal a million times during the hockey game.

The building in New York City was so tall it reached the moon.

Adam threw the ball 100 miles per hour and struck out the batter

Alliteration: Alliteration is the repetition of the same sound or letter in a group of words. It helps to form a pattern in a poem and has at least THREE of the same sound.

The crazy cat came to eat its crunchy cat food.

Sally was silly as she swam in the shallow pool.

A tremendous tree tipped over on the terrible Tuesday night.



Personification: is giving human forms, characters or qualities to animals and objects.


Trees danced in the wind as it shook them back and forth during the windy night.


The sun awoke as it came out to great the new June day.


My car crawled to the gas station as it was almost out of gas.
Onomatopoeia: Is the use of words that sound the same as they mean.


July fireworks boomed and popped at the Fourth of July celebration in the warm weather.


Their dog said woof to protect the family when the burglar entered the house.


The cat meowed from irritation when he got his nails cut at the vet.

